iamps 2017 induction ceremony wm

CIAP- Chartered Institute of Arts Management & Professionals

16+ Countries

100,000+ Membership Community

One Institute

Our Believe

The world in totality is an “Art” having to do with or consisting of human existence. This existential locus was seen in every relationship – Inter – person relationship and human lesion as it affects any field of human endeavor, viz: education, politics, entertainment, sports, et cetera, and above  all, when it comes to their daily activities and interactions, the climax, the apogee of them all holistically is an Art. In other words, all is about art. It shows that, this world is a stage and every men and women are actor or actress (artist) in their various forms. Therefore, necessity necessitates the management or Arts.

CIAP Professional lady


To produce competent individuals with absolute professionalism and functional persistence in the field of Arts Management and related Professional practices.

Mission Statement

To provide researchers, policy decision makers, professionals & other stakeholders the springboard for leadership, management & entrepreneurship in the arts for constructive, regulatory & beneficial engagements of arts management globally.

Scope Of Work

Setting and maintaining the highest standards of competence and integrity among the Arts Management profession; and providing impartial, authoritative advice on key management issues for researchers, policy decision makers, professionals & other stakeholders worldwide.

CIAP Membership Categories

CIAP Fellowship

The Chartered Institute of Arts Management & Professionals Fellowship represents a prestigious award that reflects the career achievements of individuals in Academics, Arts Management and other professional related fields. They are entitled to use the acronym “FCIAP” after their names.

Become a fellow

CIAP Associate Membership

Being an Associate member strengthens your professional credentials by demonstrating that you meet technical, commercial and ethical standards. Members in this category are also provided with opportunities of connecting with other high caliber professionals. They are entitled to use the acronym “ACIAP” after their names.

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CIAP Professional Member

This is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Arts Management & Professionals, USA by virtue of professionalism. This category of membership is exclusively for practicing professionals in the field of Arts, Management and/or related field. They are entitled to use the acronym “MCIAP” after their names.

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CIAP Corporate Member

This class of membership is specifically for Organizations, Societies, Academic Institutions, Foundations and Government Bureaus with interest in Arts Management.

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Membership Benefits

Top Notch Mentorship

Benefit from the experience of Senior Arts Managers and Leaders through the CIAP mentoring programme. 

Easy Degree Program

You will have access to an easy degree program at all levels in connection with our partner universities and affiliates worldwide.

Professional Recognition

CIAP membership is a highly sought-after opportunity for management professionals seeking international recognition and industry reputation.

Leverage CIAP Membership Community

You’ll have access to a 100,000+ strong membership community and professional networking sessions with management professionals globally.

World Class Career Learning

You will be provided with career-management resources including e-books, podcasts and personalized career support.

CIAP International Management Award

CIAP annually honors management professionals and deserving corporate entities around the world with a prestigious gold award.